Thursday, June 11, 2009

I wish...

that there was a way for us to go to camp for a few days and make a baby there. I wish that was possible. There's just no way.

I hate that we have to involve other people.

The girl and I went to get some paperwork notarized at the town hall for her to become a notary. Part of the reason I want her to be a notary is because I want someone we are close to and trust to notarize paperwork like the donor contract. As we were leaving I said to her, "Now you see why I wouldn't want to take paperwork like a donor contract to a stranger to notarize?" There is no privacy to it. There are already too many people involved in this process, I don't want to add to the list. I wish there was a way for it to be just about us and our baby and our family. It's just not possible. It doesn't work that way. Maybe after the baby is born it will be, but until then...

The phrase "It takes a village to raise a child" comes to mind... only in this case, it feels like it's taking a village to MAKE a child...

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