Saturday, June 13, 2009

Donor Identity

Hiding the identity of the donor is going to be difficult. I can tell this already... Because everyone wants to know.

I've already decided that when people outside my little circle ask how we got pregnant my answer will be immaculate conception. Or alien abduction, I haven't decided which... But that will be my polite way of saying "none of your fucking business, kiss my lesbian ass." lol

A straight couple who has fertility issues may use a donor or something, but people don't presume to ask them such questions!

But people close to us want to know. We don't want them to, the donor we're hoping for doesn't want anyone to know. We won't tell anyone... but it's hard.

A very close friend of mine, who also happens to be a coworker, asked last night if we had decided on a donor. I told her we're waiting for him to come back clean on his STD testing. She asked if she was allowed to know who it was and I said, "no, I'm sorry". She said she understood. She was amazing about it, really. She isn't a nosy person at all. In fact, most of the time she's perfectly happy not knowing anything... until it's presented to her as a mystery. Knowing she CAN'T know was driving her crazy. She has an overworked mind she can't shut off, which is something I can completely relate to. She was trying so hard not to be bothered by the fact that she wasn't allowed to know, but her mind was just reeling with the possibilities. I could see it.

I love her for the way she handled it, but it made it almost harder to not tell her.

C and I are not the type to lie to anyone, so not being able to tell people the truth about who our donor is will be very difficult for us. All I can do is hope that one day people stop asking...

1 comment:

  1. When people ask you who your donor is/was, all you have to say is, "Our donor prefers to remain anonymous and we are bound by a confidentiality agreement not to disclose his identity." People can't mess with the law, you know? Whether that's a lie or not, it's an easy way to say it without being hounded about it again by the same person. And you don't hurt anyone's feelings.
