Thursday, August 27, 2009


baby clothes... -sigh-

Oh, and I'm absolutely LOVING that this entire season of Eureka has revolved around one of characters' pregnancy... (Is the dripping sarcasm obvious enough there? Even my sci fi shows aren't safe these days!)


  1. Can I ask why you're folding baby clothes? If they're for you, I hope you washed them in Dreft. It's the mildest detergent out there for a baby's skin. I've already washed all the babies' bedding, outfits, etc. in it. It's the only detergent I'll use on my clothes and theirs until they're old enough to get themselves dirty. Take it from a Mom. It's good stuff next to a baby's skin.

  2. Oh, and you don't need softener if you're only using Dreft.

  3. they're for an upcoming baby shower I'm hosting...
